Yolov5 — NFL helmet detection

4 min readAug 30, 2021


I never used the Yolo network so I test it on NFL dataset

Result of the helmets detection

Useful material

Github page and the official docs


In the following section I will post the most important parts of the notebook, some considerations and the results.

How to custom train the network

The most important thing when using the Yolov5 (for training the custom datset) is to understand how to setup the folder structure.

Here we have:

  • parent_folder: the name say it all
  • images: it contains the images for the train, valid and test set (not present in this case)
  • labels: same thing for the images folder
  • yolov5: is the folder where we clone the github repository.
  • data: it’s already present in the repo. Inside it we put our custom yaml (I called it data.yaml) file for the custom training


In this example we have five different labels, namely

classes = image_labels['label'].unique().tolist()
# classes -> ['Helmet', 'Helmet-Blurred', 'Helmet-Difficult', 'Helmet-Sideline', 'Helmet-Partial']

Note that they have to be 0-indexing, so later when we create the label txt file Helmet become 0, Helmet-Blurred 1 and so on…

How to map the images with the label

As you can see from the image above (for simplicity I reported only two images) in the train folder we have img0.jpg and img1.jpg. Moreover, I have the corresponding label text files.

What is the content of img0.txt?

Each file should contain one row for each object in the image with the following information:

class x_center y_center width height

See more info https://docs.ultralytics.com/tutorials/train-custom-datasets/#2-create-labels

Custom yaml file


Yolov5 is integrated with Wandb, take a look here

import wandb
from kaggle_secrets import UserSecretsClient
user_secrets = UserSecretsClient()
secret_value = user_secrets.get_secret(“wandb-login”)


I trained the yolov5s (the smallest one)

train.py is inside yolov5 directory

For the model selection refer here. Th project options is for wandb, img for the image size


This is the code I used for generate the video (with the predictions) that you can see in the thumbnail

conf options is the threshold for the object detection.

Get the bounding box coordinates

results now contains

content of result variable.

Let’s iterate and plot the rect


f1 score yolov5s model.The biggest problem is with helmet-difficult
yolov5s. This graph highlight what I said before.

The result is somehow expected. If we order the label by the difficulty we obtain

['Helmet-Difficult', 'Helmet-Partial', 'Helmet-Blurred', 'Helmet-Sideline','Helmet' ]

This is reflected on the f1-score with the confidence. The result are identical

Improve the result with the yolov5 medium net?

Yes, but it take a lot of time to train on Kaggle. The models were trained with only 10 epochs.

f1 score yolov5m model


We should try to train the network for more time, changing some hyperparam to it




Written by Francesco

Master’s degree in Computer Engineering for Robotics and Smart Industry — Smart Systems & Data Analytics

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