Bacteria segmentation — AI & ML exam

Jun 19, 2021


Solving a segmentation problem for the AI&ML exam at University of Verona. Group formed by a colleague of mine and me. You can find the dataset and the github repo.

Technical report

Here you can find a technical report with all the details, tests, results and conclusions of the project. Take a look at it!


The dataset is composed by 366 images and the corresponding masks. For the images we have essentially three problems: the images have different sizes, the dataset is quite small and finally there are a lot of different light conditions, contrast and content. You can find some examples below:

Image and mask


These are the results obtained with the models and the validation set.

All models performance — mean IoU as a metric
focus on LinkNet, the model that gives us the best result
Plot with the mean Iou Score for each model





Written by Francesco

Master’s degree in Computer Engineering for Robotics and Smart Industry — Smart Systems & Data Analytics

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